Coming Soon: Promo Code Updates and Group Ordering with Take-Out

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Check out a sneak peek of what’s coming your way soon!

Promo Codes are Getting a Makeover

We are giving Promo Codes a more modern look and feel, mirroring retail solutions and making it easier for customers to redeem your codes and place orders. Get your special discounts ready! Promo Codes will be showing off their new design soon.

Group Ordering is Coming to Take-Out

Whether they will be dining with friends or joining a lunch meeting, your customers will soon be able to place group orders with our Take-Out solution. Group Ordering will allow each person in a group to select their items for the overall order, and it will connect all items to one consolidated order. No need to manually coordinate everyone’s selections and preferences anymore (hold the cheese, please!)—Group Ordering will streamline the process so customers can order their food quickly and easily.

Group Ordering will be available across all our Take-Out solution functions including To-Go and Limited Catering. If you’re interested in learning more about how Take-Out can enhance your business, contact us today

Stay tuned! We’ll share more details once these updates go live.

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