New Date, Why Wait? FDA Menu Labeling Law

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The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) extended the compliance date of the new menu labeling requirements from May 5th, 2017 to May 7th, 2018. Although affected establishments gained another full year to comply, CaterTrax is ready to support those who no longer want to wait. Watch this short video to learn more about the FDA’s ruling*, what foodservice operations will be affected, and what’s required of affected establishments.

How can CaterTrax help? TRAXTrition.

CaterTrax wanted to support our clients and partners through a seamless transition into compliance with the FDA’s requirements and created TRAXTrition to do just that. This enhancement to the TRAX Platform offers features and functionality that allows our clients to clearly state calorie information and nutritional statements on menus. With TRAXTrition, foodservice operations gain credibility and empower customers to make more informed dining decisions when placing orders online. To assist you, we’ve created an easy-to-use Excel template to help you calculate calorie information quickly.

Download Calorie Calculator

Are you a current client interested in adding TRAXTrition to your CaterTrax solution?** Give customers the knowledge they need to live a healthier lifestyle, and they’ll keep coming back, hungry for more.

Get Started With TRAXTrition

Looking for a foodservice management software that’s ready to support your transition into customer empowerment? Get a head start on compliance with the FDA’s menu labeling requirements and come next May, you’ll have nothing to worry about. Book a demo to learn more.

Book a Demo

Menu labeling cafe image

*Disclaimer: CaterTrax is not advising nor is responsible for determining whether or not partners or clients (contracted or self-operated) must adhere to the statute nor their basis for its nutrient content declarations. Further, partners and clients are responsible for determining their own course of action regarding obedience to the statute and nutrient content declarations.

**Some restrictions may apply.

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